Nodes of Science SkePic Digest May 1 2016
Our Nodes of Science SkePic community communicates science and scientific skepticism through the visual medium. SkePic members share a great assortment of infographics, memes, counter-memes, and other art. The community encourages everyone to discuss effective communication strategies of visual media. Since there have been so many great contributions, we would like to share a sample to our wider audience.

Nodes of Science Communication Digest April 29 2016
Science communication is one topic deeply embedded in each of our Nodes of Science. Speaking on any public science issue means considering how to engage an audience and questioning various approaches to communication. Although we have lifetimes of experience in communication, we still have much to learn from evidence-based communication strategies and the science of science communication. For these reasons, Nodes of Science would like to share literature and discussions from around our groups as well as communities with similar missions. If you find the shared information worthwhile, feel free to jump into the linked discussion thread to share your thoughts.

Nodes of Science Genetics and GMO Digest April 28 2016
Few people have the time to keep up with the many science and skepticism communities, so here is a curated digest of Nodes of Science, Skepti-Forum, and friends. From this, you all can have a sampled taste of what these communities cook for their audience. If you appreciate the content below, follow the link to the discussion to share some of your thoughts. You’re also invited to join us on Skepti-Forum for further dialogue or to ask any questions.

Nodes of Science News Digest April 28 2016
Here are some worthwhile articles shared in our Nodes of Science, Skepti-Forum, and related communities. Check out the articles then jump into the threads to share your thoughts. Likely, if you like the content, you will find more in the shared community.

Nodes of Science & Skepti-Forum Newsletter April 2016
Nodes of Science and Skepti-Forum have undergone many changes in the last while. Many of those changes are likely to cause some confusion, so an announcement of some of those changes is due.
If you want to skip reading, these are the three main points:
1. The Skepti-Forum blog is now on our Nodes of Science website. Near all old blog posts have been migrated and have redirects.
2. Our Skepti-Forum domains will soon redirect to our new Skepti-Forum message board at skeptiforum.net.
3. Skepti-Wiki is changing software and being redone on our Nodes of Science wiki.

On Cancer: Bowie, Bullets, and Bathtubs
Cancer touches us all, either directly or indirectly. This piece speaks to a variety of aspects including treatments and resources for general information. Heather I. Thompson CQA, CMQ/OE, is new to the blog. She has a B.S. in Biochemistry and…
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