Genetically-Modified Narrative Writing: A Few Examples of Narrative Writing Covering GMO Issues

Genetically-Modified Narrative Writing: A Few Examples of Narrative Writing Covering GMO Issues

A while back in GMO Skepti-Forum, Marc Brazeau asked for quality examples of narrative writing and the contents of that thread is worth sharing with you all. If you all have some more examples, please let me know, and I’ll add them to our library.

Written by: Knigel Holmes
Photo credit: Clement127 | CC

Marc opens with:

In our conversations about science communication, one of the things that everyone seems to agree on is that narrative writing is probably the most persuasive and yet, we continue to bombard people with research papers.

Partly this stems from our emphasis as skeptics on evidence. But it also stems from a dearth of really good narrative writing on the topics we care about.

So lets gather the best examples of narrative writing in one place.

The suggestions: