Skepti-Forum is an independent, volunteer-run project for encouraging informative discussion on scientific issues.
Our bottom-up community discourse aims to advance scientific reasoning and skepticism while challenging misinformation and public manipulation. Our autonomous forums on various social networks are set up to answer questions, provide information, evaluate sources, and practice skepticism.
Our Mission
The mission of the Skepti-Forum project is to promote respectful, evidence-based discussions for both laypeople and subject matter experts on important issues related to science and technology. We place a particular emphasis on subjects surrounded by confusion and misinformation, such as food, diet, and medicine. We promote the tools of skeptical inquiry and scientific reasoning to nurture an open atmosphere for exchanging ideas, sharing disagreement, and asking questions.
Our Goals
- Create accessible communities across social media platforms where the public can ask questions about scientific issues.
- Provide resources for science communicators engaging the public on social networks.
- Challenge less-effective science communication strategies while offering evidence-based alternatives.
- Demonstrate to the public the application of critical thinking strategies on scientific issues.
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